Nick is working this weekend* and I miss him terribly, so I am going to write about all of the awesome adventures we've been having!
*His schedule is generally Fri-Sun, Mon off, Tues-Thurs, one week off. Because the drive each way is about an hour, that was a lot to do twice everyday on top of a 12 hour shift, so the days that he works, he just stays in Lincoln City. The hospital has a place (free!) for him to stay, which is great, but I do miss him when he's gone.
So, in recent weeks, we've been mushroom hunting (didn't get nearly the haul that Nick and Lincoln found a few weeks ago 50 lbs or $500 worth of chanterelles!), took a beautiful sunset hike on the cape (which quickly turned into a nighttime hike because oops, daylight savings!) and a full day up the coast including state parks and Nicks first trip to Goonies town (Astoria). I fall asleep smiling almost everyday. Our life is so good!