The floors took two days, with the trim taking a couple more. Nick was on install duty, while I was queen of the chop saw. With all of these projects, there has been a noticeable learning curve, and we improved considerably with practice. It has been fun to put into practice all of that knowledge I got from my momma (queen bee of building/making/fixing) growing up! Also, this whole process has provided ample opportunities for Nick and I to practice our communication skills. (Ahem.) But it just about made my heart burst last night when we were just about to leave, he went back inside and just sat down at the table. I sat there with him and we were home.
painted the ceilings to match the walls! bright white!
This is about how far we got day one.
Y'all. My boyfriend is the best.
Vinyl tape in the corner we were thinking about for trim, but didn't end up working.
all hail the spray foam! love this stuff. by the time we're done, Harvey will be held together with spray foam and silicone caulk. (shout out to auntie Kathy! silicone caulk fan club!) We put peel and stick tile over the step, since we finished the floors with only one board to spare thanks to Nick's excellent spatial skills.
Patch on the back rear; this was a saga... both the local RV places wanted to charge us $1,500-$5,000 to repair. Ouch! but! we found a local body shop who did the job for $300 and it looks great! Got to love local guys!
Hey there pretty trim and peg board!
Lady loves power tools.
All fingers still there, power girl? Awesome job. I cannot believe what you have done in the short time you have been back. Did I mention, awesome job?